Aluminimum card holder is fully secure with RFID scanning so that no one can scan your card. 5 cards can be put in aluminium card holder and few cards in split leather. There is also one place for currency note. There is button in aluminium card holder just pull the button and card will come out. Material : Aluminium and split leather Size: 97 x 65 x 13 mm Weight : 62 grams Color : Black
","url":"","image":"","sku":"42069546","gtin":"761594284886","productGroupID":"bc85b4e9cdcde1c2081bd773b3775955","brand":{"@type":"Brand","name":"Alub"},"offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"EUR","price":14.5,"priceValidUntil":"2025-02-18T23:59:59.999+00:00","itemCondition":"","availability":"","seller":{"@type":"Organization","name":"CDON"},"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy","@type":"OfferShippingDetails","deliveryTime":{"@type":"ShippingDeliveryTime","handlingTime":{"@type":"QuantitativeValue","minValue":0,"maxValue":1,"unitCode":"DAY"},"transitTime":{"@type":"QuantitativeValue","minValue":3,"maxValue":7,"unitCode":"DAY"}}}},"variesBy":[""],"hasVariant":[{"@type":"Product","url":"","sku":"42069544","gtin":"761594284879","image":"","name":"Card holder with RFID protection Banknote Aluminum and split leather","description":"
This product is made with two material Aluminium card holder and split leather card holder + currency note pocket. Aluminimum card holder is fully secure with RFID scanning so that no one can scan your card. 5 cards can be put in aluminium card holder and few cards in split leather. There is also one place for currency note. There is button in aluminium card holder just pull the button and card will come out. Material : Aluminium and split leather Size: 97 x 65 x 13 mm Weight : 62 grams Color : Black
","color":"Ruskea","offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"EUR","price":14.5,"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy"}}},{"@type":"Product","url":"","sku":"42069517","gtin":"761594284848","image":"","name":"Card holder with RFID protection Banknote Aluminum and split leather","description":"
This product is made with two material Aluminium card holder and split leather card holder + currency note pocket. Aluminimum card holder is fully secure with RFID scanning so that no one can scan your card. 5 cards can be put in aluminium card holder and few cards in split leather. There is also one place for currency note. There is button in aluminium card holder just pull the button and card will come out. Material : Aluminium and split leather Size: 97 x 65 x 13 mm Weight : 62 grams Color : Black
","color":"Musta","offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"EUR","price":14.5,"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy"}}},{"@type":"Product","url":"","sku":"42069546","gtin":"761594284886","image":"","name":"Card holder with RFID protection Banknote Aluminum and split leather","description":"
This product is made with two material Aluminium card holder and split leather card holder + currency note pocket. Aluminimum card holder is fully secure with RFID scanning so that no one can scan your card. 5 cards can be put in aluminium card holder and few cards in split leather. There is also one place for currency note. There is button in aluminium card holder just pull the button and card will come out. Material : Aluminium and split leather Size: 97 x 65 x 13 mm Weight : 62 grams Color : Black
","color":"Sininen","offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"EUR","price":14.5,"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy"}}},{"@type":"Product","url":"","sku":"42069540","gtin":"761594284855","image":"","name":"Card holder with RFID protection Banknote Aluminum and split leather","description":"
This product is made with two material Aluminium card holder and split leather card holder + currency note pocket. Aluminimum card holder is fully secure with RFID scanning so that no one can scan your card. 5 cards can be put in aluminium card holder and few cards in split leather. There is also one place for currency note. There is button in aluminium card holder just pull the button and card will come out. Material : Aluminium and split leather Size: 97 x 65 x 13 mm Weight : 62 grams Color : Black
","color":"Punainen","offers":{"@type":"Offer","url":"","priceCurrency":"EUR","price":14.5,"shippingDetails":{"@id":"#shipping_policy"}}},{"@type":"Product","url":"","sku":"42069542","gtin":"761594284862","image":"","name":"Card holder with RFID protection Banknote Aluminum and split leather","description":"
This product is made with two material Aluminium card holder and split leather card holder + currency note pocket. Aluminimum card holder is fully secure with RFID scanning so that no one can scan your card. 5 cards can be put in aluminium card holder and few cards in split leather. There is also one place for currency note. There is button in aluminium card holder just pull the button and card will come out. Material : Aluminium and split leather Size: 97 x 65 x 13 mm Weight : 62 grams Color : Black